Low Carbon Design
Collaboration with architects and engineers to create low carbon buildings through passive design and smart technology.
With the built environment contributing around 40% of the UK’s carbon footprint, we can’t afford to stop evolving.
Achieving a truly low carbon design requires an in-depth understanding of the connection between passive, low energy design, the servicing of the building and wider energy infrastructure. By working with our strategic partners, we’re able to design low carbon solutions that honour aesthetics while lessening the impact on the environment and communities they serve.
We work closely with architects and engineers to create practical, workable solutions that reduce overall energy demand, before other carbon reduction strategies are even needed.
As a team of expert engineers, we can communicate the technical needs of a project while ensuring the whole life cycle strategy is integrated, considered and impactful.
Our low carbon design services include:
Passive design analysis
Low and zero-carbon technology
Feasibility studies
Energy strategies
Facade optimisation studies
Natural ventilation strategies
NABERS & Design for performance (DfP) modelling
Net zero carbon strategies & modelling
CRREM & SBTi analysis