Twin&Earth Volunteeering Day 2023

Last week, we went to Lymington Road Estate, in West Hampstead to help make a difference to the local community.

With the support of The Conservation Volunteers clean up campaign, we rolled up our sleeves and addressed the issue of a largely overgrown and abandoned piece of land with the challenge of turning it into a creative and community engaging space.

The site was incredibly overgrown with nettles, scrubby vegetation and unfortunately rubbish, due to the site being used as a bit of a dumping ground in the past. Therefore, we cleared it away using various tools and were shocked to have collected 7 tonnes of green waste along with plastic bottles, metal cut-outs and other random items.

At the end of the day we could feel the immediate impact our team effort had made on one small patch of land and witnessed happy local residents. This area will now have the opportunity to be converted into exciting and useful space for the residents of Lymington Estate to improve the community culture.


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