Twin&Earth attend Footprint+ 2024

Members of the Twin&Earth team attended FOOTPRINT+ 2024, and it was an incredible experience! One of the key themes that echoed was that change is essential, and while it can be challenging, collaboration and knowledge exchange can pave the way. 


✨ Here are our teams top 5 takeaways:

🏒 Retrofit First: Prioritise retrofitting and ensure existing buildings are fit for purpose.

πŸ“‰ Scope 3 Emissions: Measure / report Stage 3 emissions. Let's learn together.

🌲 Timber Construction: Embrace timber as the β€˜IT’ building material.

🌿 Love Thy Nature: Foster a deeper connection with the natural environment at all stages . Embodied biodiversity matrix to measure construction impact. 

πŸ’° Philanthropists and impact investors: Pursue green funding to advance decarbonization research.

🌍 #FOOTPRINT+ #KnowledgeExchange #Sustainability #PowerOfChange


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